Standard vs. Enhanced Title Insurance
Standard vs. Enhanced Title Insurance Coverage Comparison of ALTA Owner’s Policy vs. ALTA Homeowner’s Policy of Title Insurance Download Here!
Standard vs. Enhanced Title Insurance Coverage Comparison of ALTA Owner’s Policy vs. ALTA Homeowner’s Policy of Title Insurance Download Here!
The Title Transfer Process: The title transfer process starts with the contract. A buyer and seller agree on terms and sign an Agreement of Sale (AOS). The Agreement of Sale contains the pertinent information that we need to get started. Once the agreement is signed, the realtor, lender, buyer, or other authorized party will send…
Independent Agency Vs. Affiliated Agency, What’s the Difference? We at Patriot Land Transfer, Inc often boast about being an independent title agency, and some of you may be wondering what exactly we mean by that. Well, there are two types of title agencies. There are independent title agencies and there are affiliated title agencies. We…
The Pressure on an “independent” title insurance company in our local market Most title insurance companies in our local market are ABA’s, or “Affiliated Business Arrangements”. These companies are formed for the sole purpose of directly compensating real estate professionals for the referral of business. Many of the business arrangements they form are in direct…